Sunday, March 25, 2012

Looked out my dining room window the other morning and saw this mallard standing on one foot on my fence.  I wasn't sure why she was standing so funny until I got a closer look through my telephoto lens.  Her left foot was obviously wounded, the web being torn almost all the way up.  She eventually flew off to hobble around somewhere else, leaving me to ponder what got her in this predicament.  Was it lost fishing line?  A dog?  A mink?  Or...was it that whole breeding season thing?

[Canon 60D, 285mm, ISO 2500, f11, 1/400]

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dunes Depth of Field

Well, I accomplished my assignment while managing to be no help at all to the person stuck in the sand. ;) This red sand is going to kill my computer memory, I can't take enough photos of sand dunes or the designs in the sand. Depth of field is definitely a technique I need to try to use more. :D