Wednesday, November 16, 2011


The beginnings of shared photos.
The beginnings of shared information.
The beginnings of better friendships.
Let's have fun!

3 thoughts:

length of time we have for our "assignment" ~  weekly/biweekly
ideas or themes
number of posts per theme

The idea behind this blog is to encourage us to do what we love, and just shoot for ourselves.
Share images, tips, links, and information.

I am not sure if you want to just share images, or if you would like the opportunity to have them critiqued by each other...totally up to you. As for me, I would appreciate any feedback that would encourage me to be a better photographer. 

Lets get started!


  1. Thanks for the legwork Paula. I look forward to seeing and sharing photos. For an assignment I think a self portrait would be a good place to start. It must be a new shot for this blog. Any other requirements?

  2. Self portrait, know how I feel about THAT come you didn't pick something easy, like a view from the top of Mt. McKinley?

  3. Good news, Paula. I talked to my buddy from Australia and he wants in with us. His name is Tony Graziani. Please send him an invite to the blog at:


  4. Hey Craig, I sent an invite on to Tony. Looking forward to meeting him. P
