Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Water in January

I am adding this to my water group. More frozen snow, but kind of looks like water the way it froze on my deck...Oh, and any flecks would be because I took it thru my studio window...and we have a little bit of blue vignetting...Gosh is any of this straight out of the camera? (Most of it)

D700 ISO 500 105mm 1/80 @ f 8.0

Well, I had to really stretch on this one.
This is the most obvious...frozen water. 
Taken with the G11 ISO 80   (6.1 to 30.5 mm) set at 9mm 1/200 sec at f4.0

and its friend

So Paula has an obvious problem editing her work....portrait or landscape...portrait or landscape.

AND these tree tops at the same time.
I have a thing for sun on snow.

Enough of the frozen was -24° when I took those...without gloves, mind you.

Then I tried to get all creative.

But instead of oil and water with food coloring, this pretty much looked like something from my biology class. Minus the slide and petrie dish.

so I kept trying....but...alas, it still looked like a lesson in cell division.

Nikon D700  ISO 800  105mm  1/60 @ f4.0

so I went back to the more predictable, thanks to grand daughter Megan, age 9
who plans on pursuing a career as a hand model.

and of course I have to post more than one of these.
I like the water in the first, the implied motion/movement in the second.

D700  ISO 400  105 mm 1/60 @ 4.0

And how could I post pics about water/aqua, and not post this gem?

Cute, darling, wet grandbabies. 5 of them down from Fairbanks for Christmas vacation.
The pool and Taco Bell = My $100 afternoon.
(glad I got a pic. kind of like a party favor.)


  1. The snow pics are beautiful...makes me miss living in Alaska, even in mid-winter. I can feel the frost on my mustache! I am curious about your petri dish photos. Are the bubbles the oil? That's a cool look however you did it. The hand washing pics are a nice nod to what you do so well - photograph people. Perfect depth of field on those. $100 to spend the day at the pool and feed that many kids at Taco Bell? That means the pool must have cost $95.

  2. You may feel frost on your mustache, but remember how your nose hair freezes too? It was THAT kind of day...Cold and clear. I'm glad it makes you miss living here...that tells me the pics speaks to you on some level.
    The petrie dish pics were created in the kitchen sink with water and wesson oil and food coloring. I was scraping the bottom of the barrel, since I had no rushing rivers or water of any kind for that matter...except out of the faucet!
    So then I was able to just comfortably segue into my people photos with Miss Meg. She was very patient with me. We managed to get those with the hour of nice light we had.
    Sit down. Here is the low down on the afternoon out. $61 dropped at Taco Bell. Crazy, no? I may have to learn to cook. They are laughing because I was standing there in MY wet swimsuit. Not pretty. Not pretty at all.

  3. I actually really like your cell-division pics, but I'm a science nerd. I also loved the chipped nail-polish WAY better than if she had it nicely done. Show's character. And P.S. very nice looking group of grandkids!

  4. $6.78 a piece at Taco Bell? Those must have been some hungry young-ins!

    Yeah, the snow pictures did speak to me...tugged at my heart thinking of the ten years I lived there. I still miss it.

  5. Paula, I also really like the lighting on the trees of the third Ice photo. Very cool.

  6. Hi Paula, I took off for a couple of days after my last post and have come back to some great photos as usual. The snow laden branch arched across the top completes the frame nicely in the first photo and it seems like the same branch in the 2nd as well(?) The snow is so white - may sound like an obvious statement but let me tell you it isn’t what I am used to, hence even more captivating for me.

    I agree with Stefanie regarding the petrie dish photos [who’s getting technical now :) ]. Is that the circular dish at the corners of dish #1 or just the lens/camera match? The Nikkor 105mm creates such a nice looking bokeh and you’ve used it well in the shots with fingers, especially the blue background matching the blue nail polish diagonally opposite. Wow, so many lovely looking grandchildren and everyone of them so happy to have their photo taken.

  7. Stef, I am glad you are back!
    I am with you...those little fingers with chipped polish fairly shouted "Little Girl" to is actually the part I like the best in the pic. As for the lighting on the tree tops, we only have mother nature to thank. You remember those clear, COLD days. Bright sunlight with no heat.
    Tony, you are right, the first two pics of trees are the same ones...funny you should comment on how white the snow is...a lot of times snow looks blue in pics because of the temperature of the light. That is why I liked the pic of the tree tops...there is the usual blue, and the white where the sun is actually hitting the trees.
    I am glad you liked the petrie dish pics...just done with water and oil and food color...I cheated a bit and vignetted the first pic...nothing technical with the camera.
