Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ice, Water, and Steam

Ice, Water, Steam, and gone (elsewhere) in seconds!
D90 105mm ISO200 f8 1/30sec Flash

Thought I'd try to capture all three H2O states in one shot...  limited color range and trying to get crisp focus was a challenge as the ice swivelled and screamed and soon disappeared (had to be quick...).


  1. That's a pretty cool shot too. Did you shoot ice on a hot skillet or something to that effect? That conjures up all sorts of ideas!

  2. yep, used an electric hotplate which we keep in our caravan...

  3. Tony, that must have been a trick, chasing that ice cube around the hotplate! Anything for your art, right?
    It kind of looks like a closed eye with thick eyelashes.
