Thursday, December 15, 2011

Maiden voyage

Well it wasn't the best of days for shooting but I had to get out with the new 60D and see what it would do for me. This thing has some features that my old 350 did not so there was a lot of learning today. One of the really cool features this camera has is some good controls over the auto-focus. In one of the modes you focus on your subject and if it moves, the camera continues to auto-focus on the subject as long as you keep it in frame. This turns out to be great for shooting birds since they move around so much.

These wood ducks are among my favorites, very colorful but extremely shy. I shot these in one of the wetland areas along the river by my house. These guys only show up in the winter so it's a treat to actually get to photograph them...if you can. I took great stealth and lots of patience to keep from spooking them. When they are standing on one foot, you can tell their guard is down a bit and can move in a little closer.

Note to self...turn off cell phone when stalking wild animals.


  1. Hey Craig, a great start with the new 60D and the wood ducks are a great capture. I like the crowded scene and the out of focus reeds in the foreground, it gives an impression of stealth and covertness. Enjoy and hoping to see many great images as you increase that shutter count...

  2. Wow. Nice images Hoyt. Nice color. What were your camera settings?
    I enjoy your use of the reflections, so it looks like a whole flock of birds, instead of four! And what Tony said, the reeds in the forground add interest and texture.
    If I was cropping the lone duck, I think I would give it more room on the right...move it off center, and give him somewhere to swim to. I love that you can see the ice forming on the water. Burrrrr.
    I am happy you have busted out your new canon, and are showing us what the two of you can do!

  3. Totally forgot the camera information, I must have been excited or something. Here it is:

    Canon EOS 60D
    Canon EF 100-400mm lens set at 400mm
    ISO 3200

    As hard a time as I had getting that lone duck to slow down enough for a photo, there is no way I am giving him room to swim ANYWHERE!

    Just kidding...I agree with you, it would be better cropped that way. AFLACK!
